
The Education University of HONG KONG MA in International Educational Leadership and Change (IELC)
Tianjin University BA in Social Studies and Languages
林老师有着丰富的国际学校工作经验,在来领科之前曾就职于北京世青国际学校和包玉刚实验学校。闲暇之余喜欢 辩论、阅读、集邮。在她看来每位学生都有不断学习、成长、发光的潜质,并最终成为对社会有益的成员。作为老师,我们的职责就是帮助每一个孩子去发现他们各种各样的潜能并尽情发挥出来。
Mrinda has worked in the field of international school for many years, before joining in Ulink, she used to work in Beijing Youth Academy and YK Pao School. Her education philosophy: every student has the potential to learn, to grow and to shine, and become a successful member of society. As teachers, we just help them to discover their various potentials and run with them.