Daniel Hartley
职务:学科组长 教授科目:化学
曼彻斯特大学 生物科学&法医考古学硕士学位
曼彻斯特大学 临床生化专业理科学士学位
波尔顿大学 教师资格证
Manchester University MSc Biomedical & Forensic Archaeology
Manchester University BSc Clinical Biochemistry
University of Bolton PGDE (teaching qualification)
Daniel 老师有13年教龄。 主要是针对16-19中学生的教学, 也涉及了成人教育和预科教学。此外,有8年行业相关工作经验,涉及毒理学, 组织学, 微生物学,分析化学等方面。平时喜欢各类游戏:象棋,桌球,飞镖,棋类游戏等。他始终认为:老师的职责不是逼迫学生们学习。没有老师可以做到这一点。他始终认为老师是激发学生学习的欲望并为他们的学习创造更多的机会。
Daniel has13 years’ experience in education; mainly 16-19 further education/ secondary education, but also including adult education and foundation degree and also 8 years in industry; including toxicology, histology, microbiology and analytical chemistry. He likes all manner of games; chess, pool, darts, board games, creative anachronism. I can’t make my students learn – no teacher can. He insists that : “My job is to make my students want to learn, and to create opportunities for them to learn”.